Thursday, April 20, 2006

Und los gohts!!!

Morn flieg ich uff Mallorca - juhuu!!! S'Wetter söll jo schlecht werde do, also isch es mol wieder super timet, jetzt z'go. Mir tuets natürlich leid für Euch, aber das isch eifach nur e Härtetest, ihr überstönd ihn sicher!!!

Off to Pollentia tomorrow. I always said I meet the men of my dreams in this camp - so, I will keep you posted ;-) With the new thought of also swimming at the gigathlon, I will swim and bike and run only a little bit. Two weeks should really get me ahead in a lot of ways... I look forward to improving my swimming, losing some more weight, hanging on the beach, seeing my beloved bike again after four weeks... As much as possible, I will blog from there! With pictures.

19 April - 90' run in the most beautiful spring-time weather
20 April - 45' run and massage ( I could have ran for hours today, if only it wasn't "just" a lunch-break run!
Tomorrow I will rest, and then full-speed ahead starting on Saturday.


Liebe Nadine
Ich wünsche Dir für deinen Mallorcatrip viel Spass und, selbst wenn das Wetter nicht sooo toll werden sollte, einen super Trainingserfolg!

Liebe Grüsse Michael
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