Friday, December 29, 2006

The heat is on!!!

Yesterday, I selected all my new stuff for the triathlon team. The newest bike, you see on your right. Which means I will sell one of my current ones, maybe the TREK since I love riding the Merida to work... Or mabye I just wait till money gets tight and then sell it, since I love it so much. It is such an eye-catcher...

What else happened today? The training with the soccer team materializes... even longer than I had hoped for. I am excited just by the thought of all the good stuff I can learn during this week. Brilliant life, really.

And my training? Really good swimming session, rest yesterday and today, I will go for a run and then a massage. I have a heavy weekend training schedule ahead before the big party!

Have a great 2007!!!

Wednesday, December 27, 2006


Nun, Weihnachten ist vorbei und ich habe es schadenfrei überstanden - trotz zahlloser Eskarpaden mit Wein, Schnaps, Truthahn und Weihnachtsplätzchen habe ich nicht zugenommen. Es war natürlich nicht immer leicht, sich vom Sofa zu heben und Sport zu treiben, aber es hat sich gelohnt....

22.12. 60' Fahrtspiel
23.12. nada
24.12. 55' GA2 Lauf mit 3 Steigerungsläufen am Schluss
25.12 35' Nüchternlaufen mit Hund, 45' Krafttraining Oberkörper, mittags 45' mit 3 Bergetappen à 500m auf Kraft bzw. Sprungkraft
26.12. 1 Stunde lockeres Laufen, 4 Speed-sandwich
27.12. Schwimmen

Friday, December 22, 2006

Looking back at 2006

2006 has been pretty brilliant, since I had no injury, only one severe fall and tons of superb moments both in training and in racing. The gigathlon, megathlon and marathon were true highlights, and I have become mentally and physically much stronger in 2006. Be it in the job, my private life or my training, nothing throws me off quite the same way it used to! If you want to know what I am doing, you can always click on the spreadsheet or see the overview of the major competitions I did in 2006 - as well as my goals for 2007. It is in German, but easy to understand.

What's my major goal for QI, 2007:
Increase muscle strength
Decrease fat %
Push up my endurance levels, raise my max speed at the aerobic level
Improve my running, swimming and cycling technique
Take more real quiet time, instead of taking quiet time as sport-free, but socially busy time...
Prepare for the challenges of QII, 2007 ;-)


Vor einem Jahr
...habe ich mir Rennveloschuhe gekauft und bin das erste Mal mit Clicks auf einem Spinningrad gesessen
... habe ich an Snowboardtage 2-stündige langsame Laufeinheiten gesetzt, um meinen GA 1 Bereich aufzubauen
... habe ich ein Muskelprogramm angefangen und bald wieder aufgehört
...hatte ich noch keine Ahnung, wie schnell sich alles entwickeln würde
... hätte ich noch losgelacht, wenn mir jemand gesagt hätte, dass ich einen Marathon laufen werde
... bin ich regelmässig 3 Stunden aufs Spinningvelo
... habe ich jedes Training mit Pulsuhr absolviert
... habe ich mit dem Visualisieren begonnen
... hatte ich noch keine Ahnung von Zugtechnik, rundem Tritt oder meiner Maximalkraft
... habe ich den Wahnsinn einer Low-Carb Diät versucht
... wusste ich schon ganz genau in mir drin, dass ich den Gigathlon schaffen würde, auch wenn ich es rational noch gar nicht einordnen konnte.

... fühle ich mich bezüglich Gigathlon rational genauso verwirrt, aber in mir drin ist die selbe Kraft, die mich nach vorne treibt
... habe ich immer noch Mühe, mir wirkliche Ruhe zu gönnen und Ruhe nicht mit sozialem Stress zu verwechseln... kein Sport = ist nicht gleich Ruhe!!! Da gehört mehr dazu...schwere Lektion
... habe ich mich für die Doppelwertung in Berlin (Inline & Laufmarathon) angemeldet
... arbeite ich vermehrt an meiner Lauf- und Radtechnik und verbringe mehr Zeit mit Muskelaufbau
... esse ich morgens und mittags Proteine und abends vor allem Kohlenhydrate
... trinke ich Olivenöl zum Training
... kenne ich mein Herz auch ohne Uhr
... freue ich mich auf unglaubliche sportliche Herausforderungen im 2007!

... bin ich schon ein bischen stolz auf das, was ich erreicht habe.

Rechts im Bild seht Ihr alle Ergebnisse

Monday, December 18, 2006

Ok, in the future, I will sometimes just upload a pic of my spreadsheet while I am preparing my online training manual... Things are getting too time consuming with too many places to enter information... Training Details - click on the picture on the right to get the training details...

So, what has been happening? A ton. I had my lactate test at the Crossklinik, started training consecutively harder again, got my recommendation from the cross klinik and very different ones from Toni Hasler, trainer of Natascha Badmann (world champion in triathlon). So I will go to the Crossklink again on Wednesday to discuss, and make up my mind which philosophy to follow. Both work really well for me in the short term, and I feel like the work outs bring me forward, but I am not sure which one will get me where I need to be long-term. I almost have a feeling that I will stick to Tonis, even though it is painful to get so heavy and slow for the next few months... Won't expand too much here as it will bore people...

So what have I changed? More proteins, more resistance, more speed sandwiches, more weights, less girly-pump-classes...

And what has changed for me? Positive news from Winterthur, so a go-ahead in that direction... positive news from a tri-shop. They are building a team and took me on. So I have to find a bit of money and get a bit more money in return... My first step towards... well, I won't want to pay for Hawaii tickets myself in 2011....haha!

So, I am off to the gym for a good running interval session. Keep off the winter pounds!

Friday, December 01, 2006


Time to write a bit of news in English for everybody around the world to read. I have been assigned a mentor through the Swiss Business Women association. The coach of a Swiss premiere league soccer club and I have met a week ago, and he invited me to train with his team early January. Absolutely brilliant to have this kind of opportunity, and it is just the motivation I needed after my training break to give it my everything. Please don't post envious comments ;-)

In addition, the training winter competition run by an online cycling forum is excellent to measure yourself against others. Our women-only team is already on place 72, and we have gained about 5 ranks a week so far, so things are looking up ;-)

I also finally bought a thing to mount my bike on indoors (thank you eBAY!!!) - whatever they are called in English, and I hope to start a week from tomorrow, once it has arrived.

For additional training boosts, I have signed up for a spinning marathon early February (12 hours in teams of 2) and our German affiliate may be planning a sponsored half-marathon participation for patients early March. So, who said winter would get boring?

Last, but not least, I will go into the Canadian-German Triathlon camp in April, followed by a long stay in Mallorca... 7 weeks!!! Yes. One could say that things are just brilliant these days...

Here are the training facts:
I have started cycling to work every day. So 65' of cycling on top of it all... nice to get some 02 into the muscle, especially in the mornings...

01.12.2006, 60' run - what a sunny day!!!
30.11.2006, 60' spinning
29.11.2006, just cycled to work... pouring rain, Body Pump in the evening.
28.11.2006, 45' beautiful lunch-break run
27.11.2006, 60' spinning, 20' core
26.11.2006, 70' run after we lost the soccer game. Had to get rid of some emotions. G2 with speed intervals, 60' Body Pump
24.11.2006 - 60' run with 5xfast 200m

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